MacWorld 1998 June
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HTML and CSS modes
HTML and CSS Modes
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## -*-Tcl-*-
# ###################################################################
# HTML and CSS mode - tools for editing Cascading Style Sheets
# FILE: "hctsmslMenu.tcl"
# created: 97-03-01 17.33.59
# last update: 98-03-21 18.37.13
# Author: Johan Linde
# E-mail: <jl@theophys.kth.se>
# www: <http://bach.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html>
# Version: 2.1 and 1.1
# Copyright 1996-1998 by Johan Linde
# This software may be used freely, and distributed freely, as long as the
# receiver is not obligated in any way by receiving it.
# If you make improvements to this file, please share them!
# ###################################################################
proc hctsmslMenu.tcl {} {}
# Variables defining submenus.
set htmlStyleSub {{"" Style STYLE} {"<B/b" Span SPAN} "(-" {"" "Import…"} {"" Font} {"" Color}
{"" Background} {"" Text} {"" Margin}
{"" Padding} {"" Border} {"" "Border Width"} {"" "Border Style"}
{"" "Border Color"} {"" Size} {"" Float}
{"" Clear} {"" Display} {"" "List Style"}}
set htmlHeadersSub {{"<B<O/1" "Header1/H1 no attr" H1}
{"<B<O/2" "Header2/H2 no attr" H2}
{"<B<O/3" "Header3/H3 no attr" H3}
{"<B<O/4" "Header4/H4 no attr" H4}
{"<B<O/5" "Header5/H5 no attr" H5}
{"<B<O/6" "Header6/H6 no attr" H6}}
set htmlBlocksSub {{"" "Insert Line Breaks/Remove Line Breaks"}
{"" "Insert Paragraphs"} "(-"
{"<U/b" "Paragraph/P no attr" P}
{"<U<O/b" "Division" DIV}
{"<B<O/Q" "Block Quote" BLOCKQUOTE} {"<B<O/S" "Address" ADDRESS}
{"<B<O/C" "Center" CENTER} {"<B<O/P" "Preformatted" PRE}
{"<B<O/X" "Multi Column" MULTICOL}
{"<B<O/Z" "Spacing" SPACER} {"" "Direction Override" BDO} {"<B<O/u" "Inserted Text" INS}
{"<B<O/v" "Deleted Text" DEL} "(-"
{"<O/b" "Line Break/BR no attr" BR}
{"<B<O/H" "Horizontal Rule/HR no attr" HR}
{"<B<O/B" "No Line Break" NOBR} {"<B<O/W" "Word Break" WBR}}
set htmlStylesSub {{"<B<I/F" Font FONT} {"<B<I/N" Basefont BASEFONT}
{"<B<I/M" Marquee MARQUEE} "(-" {"<B<I/B" Bold B}
{"<B<I/I" Italic I} {"<B<I/-" "Strike out" STRIKE} {"<B<I<O/-" Underlined U}
{"<B<I/." Superscript SUP} {"<B<I/," Subscript SUB} {"<B<I<O/." Bigger BIG}
{"<B<I<O/," Smaller SMALL} {"<B<I/T" Typewriter TT} {"<B<I/Z" Blinking BLINK}
"(-" {"<B<I/Q" Quotation Q} {"<B<I/A" Abbreviation ABBR} {"<B<I/Y" Acronym ACRONYM}
{"<B<I/E" Emphasis EM} {"<B<I/S" Strong STRONG} {"<B<I/D" Definition DFN}
{"<B<I/C" Code CODE} {"<B<I/V" Variable VAR} {"<B<I/X" Citation CITE}
{"<B<I/K" Keyboard KBD} {"<B<I/P" Sample SAMP}}
set htmlLinksSub {{"<B<O/A" "Link or Anchor" A} {"<B<O/I" Image IMG}
{"<B<O/T" Object OBJECT} {"" Sound BGSOUND}}
set htmlPlug-insSub {{"<B<O/E" General EMBED} {"" LiveAudio EMBED}
{"" LiveVideo EMBED} {"" "QuickTime Movie" EMBED}
{"" "QuickTime VR" EMBED} {"" RealAudio EMBED} "(-" {"<B<O/N" "No Embed" NOEMBED}}
set htmlListsSub {{"" "Make List…"} "(-" {"<B<O/U" "Bulleted/UL no attr" UL}
{"<B<I/U" "New Bulleted Item"}
{"<B<O/O" "Numbered/OL no attr" OL}
{"<B<I/O" "New Numbered Item"} {"<B<O/D" "Directory" DIR}
{"<B<O/M" "Menu" MENU} {"<B<I/L" "New List Item" LI} "(-"
{"<B<U<O/D" "Discursive" DL} {"<B<I<O/L" "New Discursive Entry"}}
set htmlFormsSub {{"<B<U/F" Form FORM} {"<B<U/D" "Field Set" FIELDSET} {"<B<U/L" Legend LEGEND}
{"<B<U/E" Label LABEL} "(-" {"<B<U/T" Text INPUT}
{"<B<U/B" Checkbox INPUT} {"<B<U/N" "Input Button" INPUT}
{"<B<U/R" Radio INPUT} {"<B<U/S" Submit INPUT}
{"<B<U/C" Reset INPUT} {"<B<U/P" Password INPUT}
{"<B<U/H" Hidden INPUT} {"<B<U/I" Image INPUT}
{"<B<U/U" "File Upload" INPUT}
"(-" {"<B<U<I/U" Button BUTTON} {"<B<U<I/S" Select SELECT} {"<B<U/G" "Option Group" OPTGROUP}
{"<B<U/O" Option OPTION} {"<B<U<I/T" Textarea TEXTAREA} {"" "Key Generator" KEYGEN}}
set htmlTablesSub {{"" "Table Template…"} {"" "Tabs to Rows…/Rows to Tabs"} {"" "Import Table…"} "(-"
{"<U<O/T" Table TABLE} {"<U<O/R" "Row/TR no attr" TR}
{"<U<O/H" "Header/TH no attr" TH} {"<U<O/D" "Cell/TD no attr" TD}
{"<U<O/C" Caption CAPTION} "(-"
{"<B<U<O/H" Head THEAD} {"<B<U<O/B" Body TBODY} {"<B<U<O/F" Foot TFOOT}
"(-" {"<B<U<O/G" "Column Group" COLGROUP} {"<B<U<O/C" "Column" COL}}
set htmlFramesSub {{"<B<U<I/F" "New Doc. with Frames…"} "(-" {"<B<U<I/O" Frameset FRAMESET}
{"<B<U<I/R" Frame FRAME} {"" "Inline Frame" IFRAME}
{"<B<U<I/N" "No Frames" NOFRAMES}}
set htmlImageSub {{"" "Convert NCSA Map…"} {"" "Convert CERN Map…"} "(-" {"<B<U/M" Map MAP}
{"<B<U/A" Area AREA}}
set htmlJavaSub {{"<U<I<O/J" Applet APPLET} {"<U<I<O/P" Parameter PARAM}
"(-" {"<U<I<O/S" Script SCRIPT} {"<U<I<O/N" "No Script" NOSCRIPT} {"" Server SERVER}}
set htmlLayersSub {{"" Layer LAYER} {"" "Inline Layer" ILAYER} {"" "No Layer" NOLAYER}}
set htmlOtherSub {{"<B<U<I/C" Comment} {"<B<U<I/B" Base BASE}
{"<B<U<I/I" Isindex ISINDEX}
{"<B<U<I/L" Link LINK} {"<B<U<I/M" Meta META} {"" "Comment Line"}}
set htmlSubMenus {HTML Browsers Preferences
{Style Sheets} Headers {Blocks and Dividers} Styles Links
Plug-ins Lists Forms Tables Frames {Image Maps} {Java and JavaScript} Layers Other}
# Index of which menu is the first with HTML elements.
set htmlStartElements 3
# Returns a list defining a submenu.
proc htmlBuildOneMenu {me} {
global htmlMenuKey
set me0 [lindex $me 0]
global html${me0}Sub
# CSS menu share with Style menu
if {$me0 == "CSS"} {set me0 Style}
set tmp ""
foreach it [set html[lindex $me 0]Sub] {
if {$it == "(-"} {lappend tmp $it; continue}
if {[info exists htmlMenuKey(${me0}/[lindex $it 1])]} {
set key $htmlMenuKey(${me0}/[lindex $it 1])
} else {
set key [lindex $it 0]
set it2 [split [lindex $it 1] /]
if {[llength $it2] == 1} {
lappend tmp "$key[lindex $it2 0]"
} elseif {$key != ""} {
lappend tmp "<S$key[lindex $it2 0]" "<S<I$key[lindex $it2 1]"
} else {
lappend tmp "<S$key[lindex $it2 1]" "<S$key[lindex $it2 0]"
return $tmp
# Rebuilds a submenu.
proc htmlRebuildOneMenu {me {deleteCache 0}} {
set meny [htmlBuildOneMenu [lindex $me 0]]
menu -M HTML -p htmlMenuItem -m -n $me $meny
if {[info commands "html[lindex $me 0]MenuExtra"] != ""} {
eval html[lindex $me 0]MenuExtra
if {$deleteCache} {
htmlDeleteCache "HTML menu cache"
htmlDeleteCache "HTML Utilities menu cache"
# Custom Key Bindings
proc htmlReadMenuKeys {} {
global PREFS
if {[file exists "$PREFS:HTML:Menu key bindings"]} {
catch {uplevel #0 [list source "$PREFS:HTML:Menu key bindings"]}
proc htmlWriteMenuKeys {} {
global PREFS htmlMenuKey
if {![info exists htmlMenuKey]} {return}
message "Saving custom key bindings…"
foreach m [array names htmlMenuKey] {
lappend txt "set htmlMenuKey(\[list $m\]) [list $htmlMenuKey($m)]"
if {![file exists $PREFS]} {mkdir $PREFS}
if {![file exists $PREFS:HTML]} {mkdir $PREFS:HTML}
set fid [open "$PREFS:HTML:Menu key bindings" w]
puts $fid [join $txt \n]
close $fid
unset htmlMenuKey
proc htmlKeyBindings {} {
global htmlSubMenus htmlUtilSubMenus htmlMenuKey
set ret ""
set rebuildHTML 0
set rebuildUtils 0
set rebuildCSS 0
set somethingModified 0
if {![catch {listpick -p "Choose a submenu to change key bindings in" \
[lsort [concat $htmlSubMenus $htmlUtilSubMenus {{Small Chars} {Capital Chars} {Other Chars 1} {Other Chars 2}}]]} meny] && $meny != ""} {
if {[string match "*Chars*" $meny]} {
catch {htmlSetEntityKeys $meny}
} else {
catch {htmlSetKeysInMenu $meny}
if {$somethingModified} {htmlWriteMenuKeys}
if {$rebuildHTML} {htmlRebuildMenu "Rebuilding HTML menu…"; message "Done."}
if {$rebuildUtils} {htmlRebuildUtilsMenu "Rebuilding HTML Utilities menu…"; message "Done."}
if {$rebuildCSS} {cssRebuildMenu}
catch {unset htmlMenuKey}
# Redefine key bindings in one submenu.
proc htmlSetKeysInMenu {meny} {
global htmlMenuKey htmlModeIsLoaded cssModeIsLoaded
set meny0 [lindex $meny 0]
global html${meny0}Sub
# CSS menu share with Style menu
if {$meny0 == "CSS"} {set meny0 Style}
set items [set html[lindex $meny 0]Sub]
regsub -all {\"\(-\"} $items "" items
foreach it $items {
if {[info exists htmlMenuKey(${meny0}/[lindex $it 1])]} {
set tmpKeys([lindex $it 1]) $htmlMenuKey(${meny0}/[lindex $it 1])
} else {
set tmpKeys([lindex $it 1]) [lindex $it 0]
lappend items2 [list $tmpKeys([lindex $it 1]) [lindex $it 1]]
if {[eval dialog::adjustBindings [list $meny] newKeys modified 1 $items2] == "Cancel"} {return}
# Save new key bindings
foreach it $modified {
set htmlMenuKey(${meny0}/$it) $newKeys($it)
if {[llength $modified]} {
htmlDeleteCache "CSS keybindings cache"
uplevel 1 {set somethingModified 1}
switch $meny {
HTML {uplevel 1 {set rebuildHTML 1}}
Utilities {uplevel 1 {set rebuildUtils 1}}
"Style Sheets" {
# Rebuild both Style sheet menu and CSS menu
htmlDeleteCache "CSS menu cache"
htmlRebuildOneMenu "Style Sheets" 1
if {[info exists cssModeIsLoaded]} {uplevel 1 {set rebuildCSS 1}}
# Rebuild both Style sheet menu and CSS menu
if {[info exists htmlModeIsLoaded]} {
htmlRebuildOneMenu "Style Sheets" 1
} else {
htmlDeleteCache "HTML menu cache"
uplevel 1 {set rebuildCSS 1}
default {
htmlRebuildOneMenu $meny 1
# Redefine key bindinds in CSS mode.
if {[info exists cssModeIsLoaded]} {
foreach k [array names newKeys] {
lappend re [list $k $tmpKeys($k) $newKeys($k)]
cssReBindKey $meny0 $re